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Why is the government killing of unborn children not an election issue?

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

Media Release 18 December 2022

The most important justice issue facing our nation is the government authorised and funded murder of our nation’s unborn children. Why is it not an election issue?

Right to Life calls upon the Churches to abandon their silence and to preach from every pulpit in the land that we have a duty to elect to our Parliament only those who will uphold the sanctity of life and protect the lives of God’s precious infants.

The first duty of those elected to our parliament is to protect the right to life of every member of the community from conception to natural death. Those who are prepared to kill the unborn should not be trusted to govern the born.

Right to Life believes that both Jacinda Ardern and Christopher Luxon should not be trusted to govern this nation because of their support for the violent killing of the unborn. Christopher Luxon commendably recognises abortion as murder, however he has promised that his government would not amend the abortion law as it was settled law and would continue funding the killing of the innocent and defenceless unborn.

Every day an estimated 36 unborn children are poisoned, sucked out of their mother’s wombs or violently dismembered. This violence against women and their unborn is promoted as health care. Seeking effective legal protection for women and unborn children is not an issue for the government of Jacinda Ardern, Christopher Luxon and the National party or in fact any other party in Parliament.

The news media, which has received $55 million from the government to promote “responsible Journalism,” fully supports the government’s agenda to ensure that abortion does not become an election issue and to censor and suppress any attempt to recognise in law the humanity of unborn children endowed by their Creator with a right to Life at conception.

The government and parliament have conspired to deceive the nation into believing that the only election issues are the rising cost of living, adequate housing, education, health and climate change. These are important issues, but the pre-eminent issue is the government funded war against women and their unborn children. For 45 years the politicians have duped our nation into believing that the abomination of the state funded violent murder of our unborn children is not a violation of human rights and not an election issue.

It is we the people who decide what the election issues are, not the government. Right to Life encourages our fellow citizens to demand that the government funded killing of our precious unborn children be the pre-eminent issue for this coming general election.

Right to Life also encourages voters to vote for election to our Parliament only those who uphold the sanctity of life and who support the inalienable right to life of the unborn child.

Right to Life calls upon the Churches to abandon their silence and to preach from every pulpit in the land that we have a duty to elect to our Parliament only those who will uphold the sanctity of life and protect the lives of God’s precious infants.

The Minister of Health, Andrew Little told Parliament at the first reading of the Abortion Legislation bill on 8th August 2019, “some regard it as a denial of life or a breach of human rights, and we will hear extravagant language in the public debate about this referring to “killing” and “murder”. I reject those notions. I accept on legal and moral grounds the established jurisprudence in New Zealand that human rights do not accrue until human life is possible, and that the widely accepted human rights that we all understand apply when they are capable of being exercised, which is to say I accept the “born alive” principle that guides our courts today.” Right to Life believes that this is a legal fiction that is not based on science but on convenience.

Ken Orr,


Right to Life New Zealand Inc.

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