Cardinal George Pell RIP
It is with profound sadness that we advise that Australian, Cardinal George Pell, died on 10 January 2023 from a cardiac arrest following routine surgery in Rome. The pro-life movement is indebted to him for his outstanding defence of life and family. He was opposed to violence against women, the killing of the unborn and euthanasia. Eternal rest grant to him O’Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.
​JANUARY 14, 2023

Davos Conference

FAMILY MATTERS: Is transgenderism contagious for young people?

Cardinal George Pell RIP
It is with profound sadness that we advise that Australian, Cardinal George Pell, died on 10 January 2023 from a cardiac arrest following routine surgery in Rome. The pro-life movement is indebted to him for his outstanding defence of life and family. He was opposed to violence against women, the killing of the unborn and euthanasia. Eternal rest grant to him O’Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.
​JANUARY 14, 2023

Davos Conference