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Welcome To Right To Life NZ, Nau mai, you are loved, arohanui.

About Us



Right to Life's aim is to work on behalf of those New Zealanders whose lives are at risk. We are a powerful lobbying organsiation and watchdog. We advocate for just laws that will give protection to unborn children and those whose lives are increasingly threatened by expanding euthanasia. We inform the public about the injusticies posed by laws that neglect the right to life of innocent human life. . We believe that all human beings are created in God's image and have a right to life from conception untill natural death. We also oppose embryonic stem cell research and all artificial manipulation of the human genome.



Right to Life's vision is for a society that protects the most vulnerable amongst us. We seek a future for our nation where both unborn chiildren and their mothers are protected  and in which abortion is not only illegal but unthinkable. Our vision is also for a nation where euthanasia is rejected as a solution to human suffering. We work towards a future where all those facing end of life are valued and provided with first class palliative care. Right to Life also rejects all technologies that seek to manipulate the human genome, facilitate eugenics and any measure that leads to the commoditisation of human life.

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Our Work


  • We work on behalf of the defenceless and fight for their right to life from conception till natural death.

  • We work to lobby for just laws and to repeal those that are unjust laws, holding the government responsible for policies and laws that deny or threaten the unborn and those whose lives are vulnerable. Right to Life has pursued the government on Abortion laws through to the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court.

  • We challenge the government departments that administer relevant health and justice legislation and hold them accountable for the decisions they make .We do this by making complaints, writing letters and making Official Information Act requests relating to life issues of concern. Where necessary we follow up by making official complaints to the Ombudsman.

  • We hold media organisations (Television, Radio, Newspaper, Internet), accountable for the information they publish by making complaints to bodies such as the Advertising Standards Authority, the Broadcasting Standards Authority and the Media Council. Again where necessary we follow up complaints by writing to the Ombudsman. 

  • We publish regular media releases on life issues and make these public on our website and through our social media channels.

  • We educate the public on the unique value and sanctity of the life of every human being and keep people informed about important life issues.  This has included conducting nationwide advertising campaigns against such legislation as the End of Life Choice Act 2019 and the Abortion Legislation Act 2020.

  • We take part in organising and participating in marches and prayer vigils which are held to uphold the right to life of the vulnerable unborn children and the disabled, elderly and vulnerable citizens.

  • We make those women who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy aware of their options other than aborting their unborn child and donate to other organisations which provide support for women with unplanned pregnancies.

  • We work together with other Pro-Life organisations in New Zealand to help protect vulnerable lives.


Right to Life was originally part of the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (SPUC), but differences in philiosophy led to it becoming independent as an incorporated Society in September 2000 under the name of Right to Life New Zealand Inc. We are based in Christchurch but have members nationwide.

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