Pro-Life Training
Are you someone who has a passion for the right to life of the unborn child, the elderly and the unwell. Life issues such as abortion and euthanasia continue to dramatically impact our society. Maybe you would like to be more involved but feel you do not have the knowledge or skills to put this into action. On this page you will find information about events that will equip you with the tools you need to get started. At these events you will also encounter like minded people who also wish to make a positive changes to our world. As with anything worthwhile, the longest journey starts with the smallest step.

Coming Events
Coming Events
Activ8 Pro-Life Training Week Auckland-
Voice for Life
Mon, Aug 26 to Fri Aug 30
2024. The second of two Activ8 training weeks. See above for the first which will be held in Wellington in April
For more than 13 years, the ACTIV8 Pro-Life Training week has been equipping Kiwis to become a more effective and compassionate voice on abortion, euthanasia and other pro-life issues.
Everyone from politicians, to lawyers, to doctors, to teachers, to nurses, to pastors and Church leaders, to university students, to mums and dads have been inspired and empowered by attending ACTIV8.
ACTIV8 is open to anyone over eighteen who wants to grow in their knowledge, and become more effective at living and building the culture of life in New Zealand.
No other pro-life event offers the same high level and quality of formation that participants experience at an ACTIV8 Pro-Life Training Week, so register now to avoid missing out!
Click here or on graphic above to find out more or register