Media Release 24 April 2024
The Deputy Prime Minister, the Honourable Winston Peters believes that “abortion should be legal and rare, that human life begins at conception and was opposed to the decriminalisation of abortion”. This statement in defence of life was made at the Family First forum in 2014.
It is commendable that Winston Peters is pro-life, is opposed to the violence of abortion against women and their precious unborn. He believes that it is a crime to kill an unborn child and that at conception the child is endowed by its Creator with an inalienable right to life.
Winston Peters believes that abortion should be rare. It is not rare, since the abortion legislation designed by Jacinda Ardern to decriminalise abortion, was passed in 2020 abortions have increased 25 per cent to 16,214 in 2023. There is one unborn child killed for nearly every four children born.
Right to Life believes that there is an overwhelming need to urgently repeal the anti-life and anti-feminist Abortion Legislation Act 2020. Right to Life encourages Winston Peters to exercise his political power as a statesman that we desperately need to protect women and our unborn children by advocating for the repeal of the extremist Abortion Legislation Act 2020.
In its first 100 days in office, the Nation led government has repealed numerous legislative Acts passed by the previous Labour government which they had considered harmful. There was no more destructive legislation passed by the previous government than the Abortion Legislation Act 2020.. Right to Life believes that now is the time for the government with urgency to repeal the appalling Abortion Legislation Act 2020.
Right to Life believes that the extreme Abortion Legislation Act has inflicted horrendous violence on our defenceless unborn, on their mothers, their fathers and on our whole community.
Let us never forget that during the 6 years of the last Labour government that more than 109,000 innocent and defenceless unborn New Zealanders were killed before birth and their mothers grievously wounded funded by the government under the guise that it was a “health service”. Will the National led coalition government repeal the Abortion Legislation Act and cease funding the killing of our children as a health service?
Those who are not prepared to protect the unborn should not be trusted to govern the born.
Ken Orr
Right to Life (N.Z.) Inc.