Media Release 18 April 2024
Right to Life recognises and wishes to pay tribute to the outstanding and inspired leadership of Colleen Bayer, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Family Life International NZ.
Colleen has now retired after 32 years of defending life, during which time she has been a voice for God’s precious unborn children, opposing the violence of abortion and the war against women. Right to Life believes that her love for God and her special apostolate for the unborn has saved the lives of thousands of lives of innocent and defenceless unborn children. Colleen has also saved their mothers from a lifetime of grief and suffering. Colleen and her devoted husband Terry Bayer had five children, four of them adopted and three of them with special needs. Colleen and Terry have also fostered 27 children who had special needs.
Family Life International is a truly Catholic pro-life and pro-family organisation. It was fitting that in 2013, Pope Benedict XVI should recognise Colleen’s outstanding pro-life apostolate, by bestowing on Colleen a Papal Knighthood, Dame of the Order of St Gregory the Great. Colleen wished to point out that the real honour should go to those women and girls who courageously choose life for their babies, often in difficult circumstances, and sometimes without support from their families. Honour too, should be bestowed upon women who recognise that they need healing after abortion, and who take the difficult, but courageous step to seek that healing. She also recognises the countless young people who have embraced Blessed John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and are living chastity in their marriages, and in their single life - being true witnesses to the Gospel of Life.
Colleen also founded Gianna's Choice Pregnancy Options and Support, which includes Saint Gianna's Home for Mothers and Babies, and the Mobile Life Centre, which will ensure that many more lives are saved and mothers and families are given opportunities to flourish. It is pleasing that Colleen will continue leading these important pro-life initiatives and will remain on the board of Family Life International, which will ensure that many more lives are saved and mothers and families are given opportunities to flourish.
Right to Life is delighted that the Family Life International Trust Board has appointed Mrs Michelle Kaufman as the new Chief Executive/National Director, charging her with leading this vital pro-life and pro-family apostolate into the future. Michelle is a daughter of Colleen, a mother of 7 and has been involved with Family Life International since its inception.
Colleen on her retirement stated, "FLI has been blessed with 3 committed generations of Catholic pro-life leaders. Michelle succeeds me, and Michelle's daughter and my granddaughter, Amie, heads our Next Generation youth programme."
"Today, I formally step back as Director of Family Life International. I am full of joy, hope, love, and expectation for this great and humble Catholic pro-life organisation, which is now headed by a new CEO and Director, Mrs Michelle Kaufman."
Right to Life is grateful for the inspiring leadership of Dame Colleen in defending life. We are committed to continue supporting and encouraging Family Life International in protecting the lives of God’s precious infants and their mothers from the violence of abortion and protecting the vulnerable in our community from euthanasia. Family Life International deserves the support of the whole community
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.