Life giving - coming events
New Zealand Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
Ellie and the team at NZCBR have recently made the following post.
Hope that you are all doing well and were able to enjoy a good break over Christmas and New Years. 🙂
At NZCBR we are excited to be back into things, particular pro-life activism! With Christchurch being the largest and most populated city in the South Island, it's a vital spot for changing the culture of NZ through activism.
At NZCBR we have 3 key projects we currently use to reach the culture with pro-life apologetics and abortion victim photography (AVP):
Street Outreaches:
Roadside Displays:
Door Knocking:
if you are not feeling ready for activism conversations but still want to be involved, we always need a "camera person" whose role is to film the whole time and keep watch over everything, but who doesn't need to do talking ... could this be you? 🙃
More info on all these projects and the strategy behind them is available on our website www.endthekilling.nz
We can't do any of our projects with just one person - We need you! So if you are interested in volunteering for activism, could you please contact me and let me know if:
You're interested in joining for some activism this year?
What projects you might be willing to join for?
What days and times you might be available?
Please be assured, this is not a blood oath!!
It's a just a very general indication to help us with our planning and give us a general idea of who might be available and when. It will also allow me to contact specific people about activism opportunities rather than spamming you all.
I understand that some of you have rolling shifts at work/other life commitments and therefore can't speak to your likely times of availability, and that's fine we totally understand. We will try and experiment with different activism times so that there's opportunities for everyone.
As a rough indicator, we're hoping to do some activism shifts sometime mid-February, around 13th - 22nd, and likely another set late March. But super flexible depending on numbers and availability.
Ellie Whitaker for NZCBR
ACTIV8 Training Weeks
Right to Life is offering sponsorship to attend thiis year's Activ8 Pro-Life training run by Voice for Life. One week training courses are being run in both the North Island (Aug 24 to 27) and South Island (July 3 to 7 Canterbury). Right to Life is offering to sponsor the $550 course fee for selected applicants. For more information please contact us on the Contact page of our website.
The 2023 Chriistchurch March for Life will be taking place on Saturday 17th of Setptember. Pro-Life groups from the region and around the country come together to march peacefully and prayfully in support of the right to life of our unborn children. Come along to celebrate life. Right to Life will again be involved in organising this years march.
Not to be missed – the 15th annual New Zealand Forum on the Family is bringing together some exceptional international speakers. The forum also brings together a national network of family-focused organisers, scholars, leaders and individuals who are part of a movement for social change to bring New Zealand to a place where families are strengthened, marriage is honoured, and life is protected.