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Should sex change be taught in NZ schools? Citizens Init. Referendum Helen Houghton-New Conservative

Helen Houghton, leader of the New Conservative Political Party, initiated this referendum following concerns that our schools are now teaching that people can be born in the wrong body and are able to change sex. The referendum question has now been approved by Parliament and signatures are now being sought. (see template below).

Referendums are an important part of New Zealand’s democracy, as they allow the public to have a direct voice on changes to the law.

In order to have her referendum brought to the New Zealand people at the general election at least ten percent of eligible voters must sign a petition supporting the proposed referendum question. For context, there were 3.5 million people enrolled to vote at the 2020 election.

To see a list of this and other referendum proposals please click here.

Signatures for this petition must be with Parliament by 19th October 2023.

Right to Life encourages New Zealanders who support this and would like to see the question going to a national referendum to download the signature form below and collect signatures and send to parliament. A guidance form is also downloadable below.

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