Media Release 13 April 2023

Right to Life believes that the Prime Minister, Christopher Hipkins is not fit to lead this country and should resign.
It is a lie for the Prime Minister to say a man can be a woman.
It is dangerous and unfair to allow males into female-only spaces, female sports and female-only services.
The Prime Minister, in reply to the question, put to him by Sean Plunket on 3rd April on Platform, “What is a women?” was taken aback as he not been briefed and replied that ” people define their own gender.” He clearly supports the ideology that women are not only those who are biological women, who have XX genes, have been created by God with a uterus, are capable of conceiving a child and bringing it to birth. He also accepts the false ideology that biological men may choose to identify as women.
Right to Life requests that the Prime Minister confirm that he accepts that biological men may choose to identify as women and have a right to invade women’s spaces in toilets, changing rooms and to participate in women’s sports.
Right to Life believes that the Prime Minister’s response is not only offensive to our Creator, but is deeply offensive to biological women, whose human rights and privacy are being challenged. He also supports the government’s sex education programme which encourages children to question their gender.
Right to Life encourages all those in our community who are opposed to the war on women and who support their human rights to vote at the next general election only for candidates who are prepared to defend the rights of biological women.
Right to Life recognizes that every human person is created by God in the image and likeness of God, male or female (Gen. 1:26-27). God in creating us has decided at conception whether we are male or female. And so we should help people discover their true identities as children of God, not support them in the disordered attempt to reject their undeniable biological identity.
Consistent with divine revelation through Tradition and Scripture—is that biological sex is not something that we own, because we do not own human nature, and sex is part of the crucial expression of that nature. Nor do we have the authority or right to manipulate this “fundamental aspect of existence as a human being”. This is because our personhood, sex, identity, etc., come from God.
It is a lie for the Prime Minister to say a man can be a woman.
It is dangerous and unfair to allow males into female spaces, sports and services. Men will never ever be women.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.