Media Release 13 April 2024
Isaiah 49:15 "Even if a mother should forget her child, I will never forget you".
The Ministry of Health, in response to an Official Information Act request from Right to Life, advised that a provisional total of 16,214 innocent and defenceless unborn children were killed before birth in 2023. This was an increase of 2,050 abortions on the 14,164 abortions reported in 2022 of 14.6 per cent. The killing of these children and the wounding of their mothers was approved and funded by the government as a “health service.” The annual abortion services report is expected later this year.
It is estimated that 44 unborn children are killed every day in New Zealand, which equates to more than one and a half classrooms of school children.
The Ministry also advised that 10,043 abortions, 62 per cent of the total were early medical abortions.[EMA] This was an increase of 2,872 on the 7,171 [EMA] performed in 2023, that were 50.6 per cent of the total. These abortions were performed in the first ten weeks of pregnancy. The unborn children were killed by starvation following the mother taking the lethal drug Mifepristone, followed by Misoprostol.
It is believed that the vast majority of these abortions were provided by the Family Planning Association now trading under the name Sexual Wellbeing and the Magma Healthcare Ltd through the Decide, National Telehealth Service, which allows women to have the abortion pills couriered to their home or to be collected from their local pharmacy. The woman may then have an abortion at home without medical supervision. The government has contracted out the killing of unborn children to the FPA and to Magma.
We should be very concerned about the violence inflicted on these innocent and defenceless children. If we are really serious about opposing violence against born children then we must also be opposed to violence being inflicted on unborn children.
If we allow the violent killing of children in the womb by poisoning, being sucked out of the womb or being violently dismembered, how can we then say that we are opposed to violence and murder against born children?
Parliament has a serious duty to protect the lives of our children in the womb, however, Right to Life believes that there will be no discussion or questions raised in our Parliament on these horrific statistics, as the government is determined to suppress all dissent on the murder of the unborn. The suppression of concern and outrage at the killing of innocent children is also supported by the news media, which will not allow dissent.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.