The largest abortion business in America is killing unborn children and then selling their organs.
It’s startling and disgusting in scope.
A senior Planned Parenthood abortionist was caught on camera detailing how they “crush” the baby, altering the abortion procedure, so they are “very good at getting heart, lung, liver.” Then they sell the babies’ organs so it “doesn’t look like they’re making money.”
Planned Parenthood is operating a chop-shop, selling aborted babies for parts.
The taxpayer-funded abortion giant doesn’t even deny what it’s doing, claiming it’s legal.
Federal law bans the sale of aborted babies, but the abortion industry is exploiting a massive loophole.
The American Centre for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is demanding Congress investigate Planned Parenthood’s gruesome practices and close this abhorrent loophole. And is taking on Planned Parenthood in this vital case at the US Supreme Court.
It gets worse. When the Centre for Medical Progress' undercover journalist David Daleidan's videos of senior Planned Parenthood executives, exposed Planned Parenthood, selling live baby body parts, a California Court the court unbelievably foud in favour of Planned Parenthood and fined him millions of dollars.
Daleiden is now asking the Supreme Court to reverse the decision. Please pray that this evil practice will be stopped and that the Court will find in favour of Daleiden and that the ACLJ's appeal for Congress to investigate this grusome matter will bring it to an end and those involved to justice.