Media Release 28 June 2023
Christopher Luxon, leader of the National Party claims “Enough is enough - New Zealanders have the right to feel safe from crime”. He has commendably declared that law and order is an important issue for this 2023 general election.
This issue should have applied to the more than 540,000 unborn New Zealanders who have been murdered since 1977, authorised and funded by the state, under the pretext that it is an essential “health service”. What sort of people support this unspeakable violence against women and their precious children?
Law & order begins in the womb!
His election policy is fundamentally flawed, as he has promised that he will do nothing to keep New Zealanders safe during the first 9 months of their life, nor will he protect women from the violence of abortion. All New Zealanders have a right to life from conception to natural death and a right to feel safe from violence, not just those who are born. Why is he ignoring our most vulnerable?
Why should we trust Christopher Luxon to keep us safe, when he defiantly proclaims that he will do absolutely nothing to keep our defenceless unborn children safe and will ensure that any government he leads will not legislate to protect them?
Unborn New Zealanders are the most persecuted members of our community. Every day an estimated 46 unborn children are poisoned, sucked out of their mother’s womb or violently and painfully dismembered, and their remains treated as medical waste.
On a recent Q & A programme, Christopher Luxon replied: "Yes. There's no change to abortion laws, access to funding, access to healthcare. Those laws have been settled. They're not changing under my government and frankly, they're not what New Zealanders are interested in right now."
Right to Life asks: If we cannot keep our precious unborn safe in their home in the womb close to their mother’s beating heart, then how can we keep the born safe?
Christopher Luxon proudly proclaims that he is a feminist. Abortion is violence against women and their unborn.
Right to Life asks how can you Christopher Luxon, condone and uphold this violence against women?
Why do you accept the rhetoric of those who make war against women and seek to make lies acceptable and the murder of the unborn respectable?
Right to Life requests that Christopher Luxon seeks to faithfully emulate his role model, the great statesman, William Wilberforce, who laboured at Westminster for 25 years to abolish the slave trade.
Today the great injustice is the killing of the unborn. Will Christopher Luxon accept as a responsibility from God, to labour for abolition of abortion?
William Wilberforce said ”It is the true duty of every man to promote the happiness of his fellow creatures to the utmost of his power.”
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.