Media Release 31 October 2024
Right to Life asks: why are our church leaders not speaking up in defence of the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person subject to attack by the Ministry of Health, with its support encouraging unethical organ donations from those patients to be killed by a doctor with a lethal injection or assisted in suicide?
Right to Life is opposed to removing organs from vulnerable patients, who have been euthanased by a doctor with a lethal injection, or assisted in suicide. This is a further manifistation of the Satanic culture of death seeking to disguise itself as the culture of life.
Organ Donation New Zealand has been working enthusiastically with the Ministry of Health, Te Whatu Ora, the transplant teams, GPs and doctors who are prepared to kill vulnerable patients, to develop a national strategy for “Assisted Dying Strategy”. It has been established that such a strategy does comply with New Zealand legislation.
Right to Life believes that euthanasia is intrinsically evil and violates the 5th commandment of our Creator, “Thou shalt not kill”.
Our bodies belong to our Creator, nobody has the right to consent to allowing a doctor to kill them with a lethal injection or to assist them in their suicide, and then to consent to their organs being taken from their body and being given to another person.
Right to Life warns that if we accept that a patient may consent to being killed by a doctor and their organs donated to another person, we will in the future accept that a patient has a duty to allow organs to be taken from him without his consent.
To facilitate organ donations from a patient, after being killed by a doctor, in order to protect organs being donated, it is necessary that the patient be killed in an Intensive Care Unit in a hospital.
Right to Life believes that killing patients in ICU would be a violation of the sanctity of life and the desecration of a sacred space dedicated to the preservation of life.
Right to Life is appalled at the proposal of the Ministry of Health, to coerce patients into donating organs when they are killed by a doctor, in the possible belief that their life is now an intolerable burden on themselves, their family and the community, however your organs are of value to others.
Right to Life supports and applauds ethical organ donations. 64 donors from hospitals around New Zealand donated organs and tissues for transplantation in 2023.
Those donations meant more than 200 people received life-saving kidney, liver, lung or heart transplants, Organ Donation New Zealand clinical director Joanne Ritchie said.
Since “assisted dying” was introduced in November 2021, nearly 800 patients have been killed - euthanased by a doctor or assisted in suicide. To date it is believed that the Ministry of Health has received 20 referrals from supportive patients and GPs. There were several eye tissue donations and recently they celebrated their first organ donation after an “assisted death”
Right to Life will not rest until the End of Life Choice Act 2019 is repealed and vulnerable patients are accorded the respect that is due to them as human beings created in the image and likeness of God and given the health care that they are entitled to.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand