Media Release 25 Nov 2023
The incoming Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was reported in the NZ Herald on Friday 24 November as saying:-
“I said on election night that we would be a government that would deliver for every New Zealander, regardless of who we are, where we are, and whatever our life circumstances are. How we do that has been at the very core of our negotiations.”
Right to Life applauds this commendable commitment to govern for all New Zealanders regardless of circumstances. This commitment should include New Zealanders in the first nine months of life and include stopping the violence inflicted on women with abortion, and asks why it does not when it should have been at the core of your negotiations?
The most dangerous place for a New Zealander today is in its mother’s womb.
It should be at the forefront of the government’s agenda to protect the life of every New Zealander from conception to natural death. With the government’s shameful failure to make this commitment, we are faced with the murder of an estimated more than 42 000 defenceless and helpless unborn New Zealander’s during the first term of this government.
Right to Life makes no apology for speaking on behalf of our unborn and asks: what is your government going to do to protect the lives of unborn New Zealanders, the most persecuted members of our human family?
Under the previous government led by Jacinda Ardern and Christopher Hipkins, an estimated 49 unborn New Zealanders were murdered every day, funded and authorised by the government as a core health service with no waiting list and unlimited funding.
Right to Life would like to know why the government has not included the extremist anti-life and anti-feminist Abortion Legislation Act 2020 on its list of legislation to be urgently repealed. This is the appalling legislation designed by Jacinda Ardern that allows for the murder of the unborn up to birth by poisoning, being sucked out of their mother’s womb, or being violently and painfully dismembered.
This is in violation of the fifth commandment of our Creator: ”Thou shalt not kill” - a violation of human rights and a crime against humanity.
Right to Life will not rest until this abominable legislation is repealed.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.