Media Release October 19th 2023
Will the new government led by Christopher Luxon have the courage to rectify the damage created by the defeated Labour government?
Those who govern us ultimately derive their authority from God.
All authority comes from God. Our government must ultimately give an account to God for the manner they have exercised that authority.
Today secular humanism is the new religion which permeates our culture and which denies the existence of the Creator and His Divine right to demand that civil laws be based on the laws of God.
We have witnessed the desolation of the secular humanist Labour/Green government. which foolishly rejected their duty to uphold the sanctity of the life of every member of our community, from conception to natural death, the natural family of exclusively one man and one woman, and its duty to promote the common good.
Right to Life hopes that the Labour Party will return to its Christian foundation. The Party was founded by Christian men who defended the right to life of every human being from conception and the God given dignity of every human being. Right to Life believes that New Zealand still needs a strong centre left Labour Party which is committed to defending the family and the sanctity of life of every human being, following the example of its Christian founder Michael Joseph Savage.
What can we learn from the demise of the Labour/Green government?
This was the government whose Minister of Health declared to Parliament, when presenting the extremist Abortion Legislation bill designed by Jacinda Ardern, in its first reading on 5th August 2019, that the unborn child did not become a human being with a right to life until it was born.
It was not a crime to kill an unborn child and it was the right of women to decide what to do with "their own body". These are legal fictions. The tragic legacy of this government since 2017 is the violent killing of more than 70,000 innocent and defenceless unborn New Zealanders who were poisoned, sucked out of their mother’s wombs or violently and painfully dismembered, funded by the State as a ”reproductive health service”.
In 2019 the government caucus was responsible for the passing of the End of Life Choice Act that has permitted doctors to kill from 7th November 2021 an estimated 450 terminally ill patients with a lethal injection or assist in their suicide fully funded by the government as a health service.
The government’s policy was to underfund the 33 hospices in New Zealand, leaving them in a financial crisis. It now costs $186 million per annum to fund the hospices. The government grants $88 million, leaving $98 million to be raised with raffles cake stalls etc. Right to Life asks, is it cheaper to kill patients than to care for them?
In 2022 the government was responsible for the passing of “safe area” legislation that imposed 150 metre suppression of free speech zones around abortion providers; This was a serious violation of free speech and assembly. It is now a crime to offer women in a safe area help to keep their baby.
This is the government which perverted our democracy and ignored the will of the people. Tens of thousands of written submissions on abortion, euthanasia and safe areas opposing government legislation to select committees were completely ignored, as they opposed government ideology.
This is the government which mandated vaccination during the pandemic, in violation of our human rights, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, with the loss of employment for those who dared to disobey and imposed lockdowns on our communities, that destroyed businesses and closed our churches, but kept brothels open.
Right to life is hopeful that the next government will earn our trust to govern us and not repeat the mistakes of the previous. We look forward with guarded confidence that the new government will increase protection for the unborn and the vulnerable in our community.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.