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France proclaims killing of unborn children a constitutional right!

Media Release 19 March 2024

The 4th March 2024 is a day which will be recorded in history as a day of infamy and shame for the Republic of France and Europe. On this day the National Assembly of France, in the grandeur of the Versailles Palace, amidst pomp and ceremony, amended their Constitution to make the killing of unborn children a constitutional right, the first country in the world to do so.

The amendment had previously been passed in the two houses of Parliament and required a 60% support in the General Assembly. The vote was a resounding victory for the 'right' of women to kill their children before they are born. The vote was 780 in favour to 72 against the amendment with 50 abstentions. It was greeted with wild applause in the Assembly and on the streets, where the amendment enjoyed 80 per cent public support.

On International Women’s Day, 7th March 2024, President Emmanuel Macron signed an amendment that enshrines abortion rights in the French Constitution. He wants abortion to be inscribed in the European Union’s “Charter of Fundamental Human Rights”.

Several days later President Macron, pledged to present to the French Parliament in May, a bill to allow doctors to kill vulnerable patients with a lethal injection or to assist in their suicide. Will the Constitution also be amended to enshrine the killing of the vulnerable as a Constitutional right?

The purpose of the French Constitution is to protect the right to life of every member of the community from conception to natural death. In 2007 the General Assembly amended the Constitution to ban capital punishment. The lives of murderers and rapists are now protected, however killing innocent and defenceless unborn children is a Constitutional right. May God forgive them for they know not what they do.

The most important consideration is how this first enshrining of abortion into a national constitution is an offense against God, it is the exultation and celebration of an intrinsic evil which permits the murder in France of more than 230,000 unborn children each year. What made this sinful act more tragic, was that it was France was once a Christian country, which has provided Catholic Kings, statesmen and women, Saints and crusaders.

Our God will not be mocked, the General Assembly has earned the wrath of the Creator, Right to Life believes that both the French General Assembly and nation will be punished for this appalling affront to the Creator.

President Emmanuel Macron declared that this Constitutional amendment was prompted by a reaction to the United States Supreme Court repeal of the case of Roe v Wade, which made abortion a constitutional “right” in the USA for 49 years. The amendment was a call to the European Union and the whole world, that abortion should now be a constitutionally “guaranteed freedom” for all French women and a message of “universal solidarity to all women.”

Ken Orr


Right to Life NZ Inc.

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