Media Release 29 November 2023
Right to Life commends the new government for its commitment to refocus the education curriculum on academic achievement and not on ideology, including the removal and replacement of the gender, sexuality, and relationship-based education guidelines.
The NZ Family Planning Association, which in 2020 produced the current sexuality programme for our schools, has plans for our families. Right to Life believes that the Association has little respect for children. The Family Planning Association has a contract signed with the former Labour government for the killing of unwanted unborn children in New Zealand.The FPA is at the forefront in promoting abortion in New Zealand.
Right to Life asks Jackie Edmund, the CEO of Family Planning, why should we believe that you really care about children when your Association is responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent and defenceless unborn New Zealand children?
The Association would like its sex education programme to be compulsory in all schools.
It would like parents to be denied the right to protect their children from this ideological indoctrination by opting them out of their school programmes.
It is opposed to the natural family of exclusively one man and one women.
It promotes promiscuity and the right of children to engage in sexual intercourse at any age, when they “consider that they are ready”, the Association does not promote chastity.
It promotes the falsehood that children from the age of seven have a right to change their sex, without the knowledge of their parents.
The Association supports providing contraceptives and abortions to under 16 year olds, without the knowledge or consent of parents.
Right to Life applauds the new government’s commitment to protect our children by removing this secular humanist sexuality programme, which has no place in our education system. It is the responsibility of parents to provide sexuality education for their children.
Right to Life hopes that the new Minister of Education, Erica Stanford, will be successful in changing the culture in her Ministry and in the Education Review Office, which is responsible in promoting this dangerous and false ideology in our schools.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.