Right to Life is actively involved in sponsoring Pro-Life training for those wishing to be better informed and equipped in order to stand up for those whose lives are at risk.
Over the last few years we have sponsored young people to attend the Active8 Pro-life training courses that Voice for Life have been held around the country.
This year we are also sponsoring Ellie from Pro-Life University of Canterbury, who is currently in Calgary Canada doing a 3 month Pro Life internship training coures at the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform (CCBR).
Here is an abridged version of Ellie's news!
Kia ora from Calgary everybody! :)
Firstly, a massive thank you for all your support, prayers, and encouragement! I am safely ensconced in Calgary, Canada, and have completed the first week of the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform (CCBR) internship!
Even though it's only been a week, I have already learnt so much! We received training everyday, covering everything from basic dialogue, to speaking with women who've had abortions, to the history of social reform movements. Far from being cozy listening in an office, we are constantly given opportunity to put into practice what we learn. They literally had us out door knocking on the SECOND DAY of the internship - talk about terrifying!!
I am attempting to adjust to perpetually living outside my comfort zone, as opposed to the occasionally venturing out that was my previous life! And yes door-knocking is literally just that, systematically working your way down a street, knocking at each door, asking people what they thinkabout abortion, and trying to engage them in conversation. It is surprising how many people stop whatever they are doing and stand on their doorstep having a full conversation with you.
All the CCBR staff are very friendly, approachable, and knowledgeable, while always pushing us to do our best. While there are about 60 interns all up, most of them are completing the Toronto-based internship. Here in Calgary we have a smaller group, with 10 interns and about 5 more coming in July. It's amusing hearing everyone's stories - those with under 5 siblings are a very small minority! Most people in our group are either Reformed or Catholic ... so as you can imagine the deep theological conversations are just beginning!
I am living in a lovely house with seven other female interns. We have been doing "choice chains" on the street - where we select a particularly busy area of town and spread out across the sidewalks of anintersection, holding signs, passing out brochures, and trying to engage passers-by in conversation. We also made an excursion to the city of Edmonton, about 3-hour's drive away, to help out with running their Marchfor Life. It was nice getting to participate in something so familiar to our NZ March, right down to the counter-protestors! One of their speakers was Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King, so that was pretty cool. Right: All set to help be a marshal at the March!