Media Release 14 January 2023 Will New Zealand follow the example of Canada? More than 10,000 patients were killed in Canada by their doctor with a lethal injection or assisted in suicide in 2021. A total of 31,664 patients have been killed since 2016.
Dr Ellen Wiebe is possibly the most prolific serial killer in Canada and she boasts to have killed more than 400 patients since the introduction in 2016 of the titled euthanasia law, Medical Aid in Dying (MAID).euphemistically

Dr Wiebe who is also a dedicated abortionist claims this is “the most rewarding work we’ve ever done.”
Dr Wiebe is an ardent supporter of choice and will kill those that other doctors refuse to kill. ,” a suicidal man who wanted a lethal injection was refused by a doctor because he did not have a serious illness.” Dr Wiebe flew him to Vancouver and killed him
there by euthanasia. Dr Wiebe supports a lethal injection for those who are lonely or poor.

In March 2023, Canada will allow mental health patients with no physical ailments to seek doctor-assisted suicide, this will be a threat to the lonely and poor.
We should be aware of how a culture of death has expanded in Canada with the passing of MAID in 2016. In 6 years the number killed each year has increased tenfold.
Right to Life believes that our community should be aware of the increasing threat to the lives of the vulnerable in New Zealand posed by David Seymour, leader of the ACT Party and the architect of the controversial anti-life End of Life Choice Act [EOLCA]. He has advised that he will be seeking amendment of the Act to remove terminal illness as a criteria. He also seeks to include disability as grounds for euthanasia and advance directives to permit patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s to be given a lethal injection.
The government of Jacinda Ardern supports doctors being empowered to kill patients with a lethal injection or assist in their suicide. The government promotes this killing, in the words of the Minister of Health, Andrew Little, as a “new health Service. It is fully funded by the government and doctors are paid up to $3,000 for each patient terminated. The Ministry of Health has the responsibility of overseeing the administration of the EOLCA and has a team of seven persons dedicated to ensuring that all New Zealanders have access to this “health service.”
Right to Life is committed to continue campaigning for the repeal of this contentious legislation and opposing any amendment proposed by David Seymour or anyone else that will threaten the lives of the vulnerable in New Zealand.
Justice demands that the war against women and the unborn be recognised as the most important issue facing our nation at the next general election.
The government, the National Party, ACT, the Greens and the Maori Party with the support of the media have betrayed the women of New Zealand and their precious unborn children by colluding to ensure that the state funded killing of children before birth is not an election issue.
Why are women deceived by this government into believing that the government really cares about them when it funds the violent killing of their children before birth?
One in five New Zealanders is murdered in the womb, for any reason up to 20 weeks and up to birth if a doctor considers it “appropriate.” Right to Life asks our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern and Members of Parliament, how many New Zealanders need to be murdered in the womb before you are prepared to accept that this is a justice issue worthy of your attention?
The government and the Parliamentary political parties have decided that the critical issues that should be the focus for this election are cost of living, law and order, and housing.
These issues are important, however the most important issue is the sanctity of life and the right to life of every New Zealander from conception to natural death.
Right to Life makes no apology for speaking up in defence of women and their precious unborn children. We, and many in the community are totally opposed to the violence of abortion inflicted on them and their precious unborn children.
Since the government of Jacinda Ardern took office in 2017 more than 60,000 defenceless and innocent unborn children were killed before they were born and their mothers wounded, authorised and funded by the government, under the pretext that this was “a reproductive health service.”
Right to Life encourages the community to defend women and oppose the violence of abortion by ensuring that they vote only for electorate candidates for Parliament and political parties for your list vote who are prepared to support the repeal of the anti-life Abortion Legislation Act 2020 and the End of Life Choice Act 2019.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life, NZ Inc.