Media Release 21 January 2024
Right to Life supports the call of Pope Francis for an international ban on surrogacy.
Pope Francis on Monday 8th January called for a universal ban on what he called the “despicable” practice of surrogate motherhood, as he included the “commercialisation” of pregnancy in an annual speech listing threats to global peace and human dignity.
“I consider despicable, the practice of so-called surrogate motherhood, which represents a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child, based on the exploitation of situations of the mother’s material needs,” he said.
Surrogacy violates the dignity of women. It is God’s plan that women cooperate with God in the procreation of children, within the family of exclusively one man and one woman. Women’s wombs are not for hire to be a gestational carrier for 2 men or 2 women.
Every child has a right to be conceived in the sanctuary of its mother’s womb.
It is a violation of human rights for medical professionals to violate God’s plan for procreation by contriving to create new life in a petri dish.
Every child has a right not to be stored and frozen in an embryonic state for up to 10 years.
Every child has the right to not be used for research, destroyed, and then discarded as medical waste.
IVF violates rights of the human embryo- 100,000 New Zealand children stored and frozen!
Right to Life supports the banning of In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) and surrogacy in New Zealand.
Right to Life is opposed to the proposal of the Labour party to amend the adoption law to automatically recognise the sperm donor as the parent of the child conceived outside the surrogate mother’s womb.
Right to Life is also totally opposed to the proposal of a same sex male couple, that taxpayers should be required to pay the estimated $65,000 cost of producing a child by IVF and surrogacy. This couple have featured in recent Stuff news reports.
Right to Life believes that the daily newspapers in New Zealand in the Stuff group, are conducting a campaign to promote acceptance same sex relationship men, to treat children as a commodity that they are entitled to with, the assistance of IVF and hiring of a woman’s womb for 9 months, as a surrogate mother.
Right to Life is committed to campaigning to ban IVF and surrogacy, which violate the natural law of our Creator, the human rights of children, and the natural family of exclusively one man and one women.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.