Media Release 28 September 2022
Today, the 28th September, the international billion dollar abortion industry and the anti-feminist movement celebrates “International safe abortion day.” Their objective to make the killing of the unborn free, safe and legal. Well may the industry led by Family Planning in New Zealand celebrate as they can now kill the innocent and defenceless child effectively for any reason up to birth.

Abortion is never safe. In every abortion an innocent and defenseless unborn child is murdered by being poisoned, sucked out of its mother’s womb or violently and painfully dismembered.
This claims to be a global feminist campaign to support women’s rights and calls for those who support women’s rights and gender justice to speak up.
Women’s rights begin in the womb and Right to Life makes no apology for speaking up for the right of females to be born. True feminism is non-violent is inclusive and protective of the weak and vulnerable.
The mother is the second victim of the killing of her child who is grievously wounded, spiritually, physically, psychologically and emotionally. She is left with a lifetime of grief, sorrow, remorse and pain. Why do we allow this intolerable violence to be inflicted on our women and their unborn?
The leading cause of death in 2021 was abortion. There were an estimated 73 million children murdered in their mother’s womb in 2021. All other deaths are estimated at 58.7 million. The World Medical Association reported 3.5 million deaths from Covid-19.
Abortion is not free, as we, the taxpayers, are forced to pay for the killing of our nation’s unborn. We have no right to choose to have the innocent blood of our children on our hands, this is an intolerable injustice.
Abortion is legal, it is no longer a crime to kill an unborn child because the Abortion Legislation Act 2020 designed by our Prime Minister decrees that the child is not a human being with a right to life until it is born.
Dr Tracey Morrison, a South African follows a long line of foreigners appointed by ALRANZ to be president and spokesperson. It is believed that ALRANZ has a national membership of about 45 members, hardly representative of the women of New Zealand.
In a media release today Dr. Morrison claims that abortion is one part of reproductive justice that includes the right of bodily autonomy and the choice whether to parent or not. It is appalling that she seeks justice but denies justice for the unborn. She claims bodily autonomy but denies the bodily autonomy of the unborn child. She claims the right to choose parenting but ignores the fact that the mother is a parent at the conception of her child.
We need to show that we can create a world where we can love children and not kill them. A world where adoption is always a better option, a world where we care for women and their children. This is our opportunity to make the grisly performance of abortion, like slavery, unthinkable in a civilised modern society.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life NZ Inc.