Austin Ruse the President of C-FAM warns that the UN's latest push to normalise abortion as 'basic health care', worldwide and to close down your digital rights on the internet, poses a significant threat. C-FAM is the Center for Family and Human Rights, an advocacy group that works to counter UN initiated global policies that threaten the unborn and the traditional family.
Ruse warns that there are currently five dangerous negotiations going on in the UN system, and C-Fam personnel are covering all of them. They are working closely with a few dozen UN delegations to stop radical language from coming into these impending documents.
1. One negotiation is for something called universal health coverage. You can imagine how dangerous this will be to have you and bureaucrats in New York and Geneva telling you how you can interact with your doctor. They will also insist that abortion is basic medical care.
2. Yet another dangerous negotiation is over something called the global digital compact. Here unelected bureaucrats will think that they have the power to determine what you can and cannot do online. And you can imagine how left-wing UN bureaucrats will want to crack down on any pro-life and conservative person.
3. Still another negotiation we are participating in is the so-called humanitarian resolution. The problem with something like this is that left-wing delegations from the European Union will determine that humanitarian also includes the killing of unborn children and redefining the family and marriage. This will be an avenue to advance the most brutal kind of woke agenda.
4. We are also involved in a negotiation for a health document related to tuberculosis. I know it is hard to believe that such a benign negotiation would be dangerous, but what we have learned over 25 years in defending the unborn child and the family at the United Nations, is that no negotiation at the United Nations is safe for the unborn child and for the family. The hard left at the UN will use this document to advance the killing of unborn children. This is a guarantee.
5. We are also following what’s known as a general recommendation from the committee on racial discrimination. What we know for a fact is the radicals on this committee will say that pro-life laws are racist. This is full of irony, given the fact that there is a black genocide by abortion extremist in the United States and around the world.
There are only six C-FAM delegates up against the most powerful countries in the world, and the most powerful organizations in the world who can throw hundreds of people and hundreds of millions of dollars at these negotiations to advance their radical agenda.
C-Fam gets by on the widows mite, and the most amazing thing about that is that with our small numbers and with our small finances, we have consistently for a quarter of a century block to global right to abortion. We have blocked a redefinition of the family. We have blocked sexual orientation and gender identity from becoming a new category to persecute Christians in international law.
But they cannot do this without your help.
Would you consider becoming a financial supporter of C-FAM's publication 'Friday Fax' and therefore you know what’s really going on at the UN and you know how close C-Fam is to all of the action at the UN. Currently they really need your financial support. If you would like to help them financially please click here.
Right to Life has been a financial supporter of this incredibly important organisation. They truly have been a major reason why the culture of death promoted through the UN and its legion NGO spawn have not caused even more destruction of innocent lives worldwide.