Media Release 22nd June 2023
The Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal has struck a teacher off the register because he refused to call a fourteen year old girl in his class, a boy and to use personal pronouns that would identify her as a boy.
Right to Life asks them if they also support young women being mutilated by having their breasts and uterus removed?
The government, the Teaching Council and the Teacher’s Disciplinary Tribunal support female students being victims of the insane fiction of transitioning to male. Once puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are taken then it is a one way trip to sterility.
Right to Life questions the justice of the decision of the Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal which we believe violates the human rights of a teacher recently being struck off for exerecising his right of free speech and freedom of religion. It also violates the right of the student to be educated in a safe environment.
Right to Life upholds the biological truth that the student is a female having been created by God with forty-six XX chromosomes. There is no medical procedure on earth that can change her gender from female to male.
The Tribunal declared in its decision made on 15th February 2023, that "the teacher was guilty of disgraceful and serious misconduct, conduct that adversely affects the wellbeing of a child” The Tribunal concluded that the teacher was not fit to be a teacher.
The Tribunal has punished the teacher for acting in the best interests of his student by protecting her from injuries that could be inflicted on her if she were to continue to pursue the illusion of “transitioning from a girl to a boy”
The Tribunal dismissed the evidence of the teacher as being “unrealistic hysteria”. The Tribunal awarded costs of $582 to the plaintiff and fined the teacher $5668.
The teacher, in evidence, claimed that he was not guilty of misconduct and that he was trying to keep her safe. He said that he would have been guilty of misconduct if had complied with the request of the student. The principal of the school we believe is also guilty of misconduct. Persons in positions of authority should not support delusional students suffering from gender dysporia.
The teacher stated that the request was contrary to his Christian beliefs. This issue is however not a religious issue but a justice and biological issue.
The teacher presented evidence from a registered child and adolescent psychotherapist who said there was no evidence to support seeking to change the gender that we were born with. Dysphoria generally responds to counselling and resolves naturally without medical intervention. If this young girl continued to seek to change her gender to male it could result in an assault on her body with the removal of her breasts and uterus. She would then be sterile and be unable to have children. Is this what the Teaching Council and Tribunal are supporting as being in the best interest of the child?
The Tribunal dismissed this expert evidence claiming that it provided no assistance to the Tribunal. The Tribunal stated that it was “not holding an enquiry into any psychological issues around gender transition.
Right to Life believes that the controversial decision of the Tribunal has considerable implications for the teaching profession in New Zealand. Is the government of Christopher Hipkins that seeks to control what we think and say now seeking to remove from the teaching profession all those who refuse to cooperate with the government’s agenda to cancel women and promote the fiction that children can choose their gender?
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.