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Rescue the unborn being dragged to the slaughter!

Media Release 15 February 2024

“Rescue those who are being dragged to death, and from those tottering to execution withdraw not. If you say, “I know not this man!” does not he who tests hearts perceive it? He who guards your life knows it, and he will repay each according to his deeds” (Prov 24:10-12).

Do we not hear the silent screams of the unborn responding to the lethal instruments of the abortionist committed to violently sucking the child from the womb or intent on tearing the child’s head and limbs from its body?

The above scripture is a clear command from God to rescue the defenceless and innocent unborn children, who are condemned by the state to be killed for being guilty of the crime of being unwanted. Each day in New Zealand an estimated 39 unborn children are murdered, funded by the state, by being poisoned, sucked from their mother’s wombs or being violently dismembered.

God is telling us that this is a battle in which we must engage; we must take a stance. We must stand up and be counted; no one is exempt from engagement, we must witness for life. Either our silence will condemn us, or our witness will bring forth blessings.

73 million unborn babies were murdered worldwide in 2023. Throughout the country, too many New Zealanders say “I don’t know about this,” or “It’s not my issue,” or “It’s none of my business,” or (worst of all) “I’m personally opposed but don’t want to impose my view on others.”

The government promotes the slaughter and murder of the unborn as a “health service” and a “matter of choice” for the mother.

Those who are opposed to the slaughter’ are prohibited by law from seeking to rescue the unborn within designated “safe areas” of 150 metres surrounding the state’s execution facilities.

The media support the government’s state funded killing of the unborn and the wounding of their mothers, by imposing a deafening silence on the murder of more than 14,000 unborn children each year.

The occasional tragic stranding of whales on our beaches however, solicits an outpouring of grief and coverage from the media.

For the triumph of evil all that is necessary, is that the media remain silent.

Each child is a unique and unrepeatable miracle of God’s loving creation deserving of our respect and protection. Every child is a human being from conception endowed with an inalienable right to life.

God knows and sees through all of this. Each of us will have to render an account for what we have done or not done in the face of the scourge of abortion.

This public slaughter cannot remain something that we are merely privately bothered by.

This passage from Proverbs indicates that silence and inaction when the innocent are being dragged off to slaughter is tacit approval of their plight.

Ken Orr,


Right to Life Mew Zealand Inc.

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