2 November 2022
Ken Orr ken@righttolife.org.nz
Ref. H2022016822
Tena koe Ken
Thank you for your email of 14 November 2022 to the Minister of Health, Hon Andrew Little, about use of the term "pregnant people". The Minister has asked that I respond to you directly. I appreciate you taking the time to write.
I acknowledge that you are concerned that using terms such as "pregnant people" has implications for women and children and you consider it demeans women.
ManatO Hauora (Ministry of Health) chooses to use language such as "pregnant people" as it is inclusive of all people who may become pregnant and give birth.
It is important that health services meet the needs of all New Zealanders, with inclusiveness and dignity for all. We are committed to our health system providing better access, support and safe treatment for rainbow communities, and ensuring the system is responsive to the needs of transgender, intersex, and gender-diverse people.
Thank you again for taking the time to write. I hope this information is useful.
Naku noa, na
Dr Diana Sarfati
Director-General of Health Manatu Hauora