March for Life 2022 – Parliament protect our mothers and their unborn!Media Release 4 December 2022
On Saturday 3rd December members of the Right to Life committee represented Right to Life at the National March for Life in Wellington. We joined just under 3000 men women and children in marching peacefully and joyfully from Civic Square in Wellington to Parliament.
The march was an inspiring witness to the people of our capital of the value of every human life from conception to natural death. It was also a call to end the state sanctioned war against women and the State funded violent murder of the unborn.
The marchers, who had gathered from all over New Zealand, marched together in solidarity, to celebrate life, to stand for mothers and fathers and to grieve with women who had lost a child to abortion.
No surprise that the march was ignored by all major media except Newshub, who focused on the opposition to the march by a group of only dozens of pro-abortion supporters. Those who counter marched walked backwards in front of the pro-life marchers along the entire route from Civic Square to Parliament grounds. It is interesting that tonight’s (Sunday 4th December), One Network News featured an item on a couple of hundred marchers opposing the Iranian regime’s crackdown but the network chose to completely ignore several thousand marching for life in the capital on Saturday.
Marchers were addressed and inspired by Pro-Life leaders including Colleen Bayer of Family Life International and former MP Alfred Ngaro. Kate Cormack of Voice for Life emphasised the point that we would continue to march as long as it took to achieve justice and that we could be inspired by the Roe V Wade reversal in the United States.
Right to Life continues to assert that the killing of our nation’s children is an abomination, it gives grave offence to our Creator who has lovingly knitted each child in its mother’s womb. We cannot kill His children with impunity, there will be a day of punishment. Abortion is also a violation of human rights and a crime against humanity.
The government reports that a total of 13,257 unborn children were killed in 2021. Every day an estimated 36 unborn children are poisoned, sucked out of their mother’s womb or violently and painfully dismembered, under the guise that this is health care.
This genocidal war against our own children is made lawful by the Abortion Legislation Act 2020, designed by the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, which permits a child to be killed on demand up to 20 weeks gestation and up to birth if a doctor considers it “appropriate”.
Right to Life believes that the marchers represent the conscience of the nation which is burdened with the innocent blood of more than 550,000 of its children who have been murdered in the womb by the State since 1978.
The marchers came peacefully to our Parliament to appeal to the conscience of our Parliament and government to protect our unborn and their mothers by repealing the Abortion Legislation Act 2020, restoring abortion to the Crimes Act 1961 and recognising the status of the unborn child as a human being from conception, endowed by its Creator with an inalienable right to life.
Our Parliament is reminded that the first duty of those who sit in our Parliament is to provide effective legal protection for every member of our community from conception to natural death. They are also reminded that those who are prepared to kill the unborn should not be permitted to govern the born. The pro-life movement in New Zealand will continue to march and continue to seek justice for women and their precious unborn children until justice is achieved. The right to life is the foundation of our human rights. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied.
Ken Orr
Right to Life N.Z. Inc.