Media Release 15 December 2022

Right to Life is disappointed that the Deputy State Service Commissioner has appointed Dr Diana Sarfati on 30 November as the Director General of Health.
Dr Sarfati supports a culture of death with the killing of defenceless and innocent unborn children and the killing of the vulnerable terminally ill with a lethal injection or assistance in suicide.
Dr Sarfati believes that the unborn child is not a human being, does not have a right to life until it is born and believes that every woman has a right to kill her children before birth as a reproductive health service. Right to Life believes that these anti-life and anti-women views disqualify her from holding the appointment of Director General of Health.
There is no place for a culture of death in the Ministry of Health. The Ministry should be totally committed to protecting the right to life of every human being from conception to natural death. It is disappointing that Dr Sarfati, who has a brilliant record as a public health physician, cancer epidemiologist, and health services researcher, is prepared to violate her medical ethics to preside over the killing of our most vulnerable.
Abortion and euthanasia have been imposed on the Ministry of Health by the government of Jacinda Ardern, as she wishes to uphold the fiction that the brutal killing of the unborn and the vulnerable ill is health care.
We should not forget the principled and courageous stand taken by the Hon. Frank Gill who was Minister of Health in the National government in 1977. He was totally opposed to violence against women and their unborn. When the Contraception Sterilisation and Abortion Act was passed in 1977, Frank Gill refused to allow the Ministry of Health to be involved, as a consequence the responsibility for the abortion legislation was imposed on the Ministry of Justice.
It is surprising that Dr Sarfati, who has had the privilege of an elite Christian education at the Anglican Marsden Collegiate school in Karori, Wellington, should be prepared to preside over the promotion of the war against women, the violent killing of the unborn and the killing of our vulnerable with a lethal injection. Right to Life believes that as a distinguished doctor and former student who is promoting a culture of death, she dishonours her old school.
Dr Sarfati will preside over the killing of more than 13,000 unborn New Zealanders every year by either poisoning them, sucking them out of their mother’s womb or violently pulling off their limbs and heads. She will be assisted by a special unit within the ministry that has 7 fulltime staff committed to overseeing the abortion legislation and to promoting the killing of our children, which is in the words of our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, “a reproductive choice for women”.
This unit also presides over the promotion of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
By accepting this appointment, Dr Sarfati became complicit in the killing of the weakest and most defenceless members of our community and the wounding of women, the second victims of abortion.
With the introduction of the End of Life Choice Act 2019, on 7 November 2021, Dr Sarfati is now presiding over the killing of those with a terminal illness, being responsible for overseeing and promoting doctors killing terminally ill patients with a lethal injection or assisting in their suicide.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.