Media Release 3 February 2024
Right to Life calls upon the Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon to stop Jacinda Ardern from abusing her responsibility with the important government initiative to undermine terrorism and violent extremism online.
Following the Christchurch Terror Attack in March 2019, the government instituted the Christchurch Call. Its stated aim was to undermine terrorism and violent extremism online.
The Prime Minister, Christopher Hipkins, appointed Jacinda Ardern on 17 April 2023 as Special Envoy to the Christchurch Call and required her to report directly to the Prime Minister, the role is not remunerated, but all expenses are met by the government.
Documents received recently by the Free Speech Union under the Official Information Act revealed that Jacinda Ardern in violation of her brief, was now investigating gender-based “hatred” as one of her prime objectives.
It should be of great concern that a briefing paper sent to Jacinda Ardern in June 2023 states that New Zealand is working with the US companies Microsoft, Twitter and OpenMind to develop an algorithmic tool that is intended to be used by social media companies. The paper notes, “We have committed to looking specifically at gender-based (including anti-LGBTQIA+) violence/hatred as a feature of the radicalisation journey.”
The LGBTQIA + agenda is the new religion that may not be questioned, it demands unquestioning acceptance, any questioning or opposition to the agenda is called hate speech.
This new ideology constitutes an attack on the traditional family instituted by God of exclusively one woman and one man for the procreation of the human race.
This ideology denies that God has created only two genders, male and female, It believes that there are 72 genders and that we may choose whatever gender we wish to be.
This ideology claims that the unborn child is not a human being, does not have a right to life and its killing up to birth is not a crime, but a health service.
Free speech is a human right. We have an absolute right and a duty to challenge the LGBTQIA + agenda. We must resist every effort to demonise free speech and suppress it, in our community and on social media. It is not hate speech to uphold the natural family or to uphold God’s right to create us man and woman.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.