23 February 2024
Hon Shane Reti,
Minister of Health,
Parliament Building,
Dear Minister,
World Health Authority pandemic treaty threat to NZ sovereignty!
Right to Life requests that the government refuse to sign the proposed World Health Authority’s [WHO] pandemic prevention, preparedness and response treaty.
Right to Life is concerned that the global elitists who wish to suppress our human rights to make decisions concerning our health and that of our families, will use the proposed World Health Authority’s [WHO] pandemic prevention, preparedness and response treaty, to delegate that authority to the Director General of the WHO.
Right to Life shares the concerns of the Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters, who has stated:- “New Zealanders will be highly concerned that the World Health Organisation proposes to effectively take control of independent decision-making away from sovereign countries and place control with the Director General,” NZ First leader Winston Peters
Right to Life believes that there could well be some good to come from international cooperation to study how best to prepare for a future pandemic and develop strategies that nations might consider in response.
Right to Life believes that developing cooperation and options is not what the WHO has in mind. They envision a top-down imposition of authoritarian control, with major penalties for non-compliance. In the process, individual rights and decision-making authority at the family level will be sacrificed for the “common global interest.”
Right to Life believes that the World Health Organisation has forfeited our trust, to protect our health and human rights. This is the organisation which:-
Refuses to recognise the unborn child as a human being with a right to life until it is born.
Is aggressively advocating for international recognition for the killing of unborn children as a human right.
It wants to redefine nature and biology with "trans guidelines” that may irreversibly damage children's schools, threatening workplaces, public life, and family values.
Refuses to hold the Chinese Wuhan research centre responsible for releasing the Corvid 19 virus that was the cause of the international catastrophic pandemic.
Additionally, the pandemic treaty is in danger of being pushed to undermine health freedoms and national sovereignty, putting health decisions in the hands of globalist organizations and not to elected representatives.
Yours sincerely,
Ken Orr,
Right to Life