Media Release December 28 2023
What will I do to stop the murder of God’s holy innocents and to protect their mothers from the violence of abortion?
The murder of all the male children in Bethlehem under 2 years of age by King Herod following the birth of Christ, reminds us that the murder of innocent children continues today. For more than 500 years the Catholic Church has commemorated the murder and martyrdom of the Holy innocents, who were killed by Herod in his futile attempt to kill Christ the king, whom he saw as a threat to his reign.
The tyrant Herod is long dead, but the culture of death continues unabated and thirsting for the blood of innocent children who are made in the likeness of their Creator. If we are really appalled by the slaughter of those innocent children at Bethlehem, then we should be appalled at the daily slaughter of unborn children in our own hospitals. Why then is there a deafening silence from many churches?
We are reminded that each new born baby is a precious new life, who is a miracle and an unrepeatable miracle of God’s loving creation.
Every year in the world, about 40 to 50 million innocent unborn children are murdered by being poisoned, sucked out of their mother’s wombs or violently dismembered, under the guise that it is a health service and a human right.
In New Zealand an estimated 49 unborn children are murdered each day. Our government reported in November that in the year 2021, there were 14,464 unborn children killed, authorised and funded by the state as a “health service”.
We should firstly grieve with our Creator at the murder of His precious infants. His grief and pain at the loss of each child is beyond human comprehension and endures for all eternity.
We should also grieve with the mothers, who have been deprived of their children, envelop them with love and compassion and guide them to seek forgiveness and spiritual and physical healing.
“A Voice was heard in Ramah wailing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children. She refused to be consoled because they were no more”.
Right to Life encourages the community to resolve in 2024 to oppose the murder of God’s holy infants in the womb, which the Prime Minister has assured the women of New Zealand, will continue to be funded as a “health service”.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.